Case Study

Transforming SAP Landscape Through Role Re-design and SAP GRC Integration


This global CPG company, recognized the critical importance of enhancing security and efficiency within its SAP landscape. By focusing on security role re-design and integrating SAP GRC Access Control & Process Control tools, they aimed to mitigate risks effectively, reduce the attack surface, and improve operational efficiency. This initiative aimed to uphold data integrity, prevent potential fraud, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Security Vulnerabilities: The existing SAP ERP environment lacked robust access controls, leading to unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Inefficient Processes: Ad-hoc access permissions caused inefficiencies, delays, errors, incidents and increased operational costs.

Compliance Concerns: Meeting regulatory compliance requirements was challenging due to inadequate access controls and audit trails. Met with a deficient audit.


Security Role Re-design: Analyze and re-design security roles within their SAP landscape to ensure users have only the access necessary for their job functions.

Integration with SAP GRC: Implement SAP GRC Access Control & Process Control to automate access management processes, monitor user activities, and enforce segregation of duties controls.

Risk Remediation & Mitigation: Reduce the risk of unauthorized/elevated access, potential fraud incidents, and data breaches by enforcing RBAC principles and enhancing monitoring capabilities.

Operational Efficiency: Streamline access management processes, improve user provisioning workflows, and reduce administrative overhead through automation and integration with SAP GRC tools.

Cost Savings: Identify opportunities to optimize licensing costs, reduce manual efforts, and minimize losses from potential security incidents, leading to overall cost savings.


Security Role Re-design:

Conducted a comprehensive review of existing security roles and access permissions within their SAP landscape.

Collaborated with business process owners & stakeholders to identify job functions and access requirements for each role.

Re-designed security roles to align with business processes, ensuring adherence to the principle of least privilege and segregation of duties.

Integration with SAP GRC:

Implemented SAP GRC Access Control to automate role assignments, access requests, and approvals, ensuring efficient management of user access.

Configured automated alerts and notifications within SAP GRC Access Control to detect and mitigate suspicious activities in real-time.

Utilized SAP GRC Process Control to define and automate key business processes, incorporating segregation of duties controls and approval workflows to prevent fraudulent activities.

Risk Mitigation:

Enforced RBAC principles to restrict user access to sensitive data and critical functionalities based on their roles and responsibilities.

Conducted regular access reviews and certifications to validate the appropriateness of assigned roles and permissions.

Enhanced monitoring capabilities within SAP GRC Access Control & Process Control to detect unauthorized access attempts, potential fraud incidents, and deviations from established processes.

Operational Efficiency:

Automated user provisioning processes within SAP GRC Access Control, reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of errors.

Streamlined access request workflows, ensuring timely provisioning and de-provisioning of user access.

Leveraged integration capabilities between SAP GRC tools and their existing SAP landscape to facilitate seamless data exchange and improve overall system efficiency.


The implementation of security role re-design and integration with SAP GRC Access Control & Process Control significantly strengthened their security posture, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential fraud incidents by 65%.

Automation of access management processes and integration with SAP GRC tools streamlined workflows, reduced administrative overhead, and improved overall operational efficiency. Automated access granting with a 80% reduction in access rights incidents.

Optimized licensing costs, reduced manual efforts, and minimized losses from potential security incidents resulted in substantial cost savings for them.

Compliance Adherence: The robust access controls and audit trails established through SAP GRC Access Control ensured 100% compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage. Process control provided additional reinforcement for monitoring manual controls.  


By prioritizing security role re-design, integration with SAP GRC Access Control & Process Control, and cost-saving measures, we successfully enhanced security, improved operational efficiency, and achieved significant cost savings within its SAP landscape. This holistic approach not only mitigated risks and ensured compliance but also demonstrated the organization's commitment to operational excellence and financial stewardship. This case exemplifies the effectiveness of integrating security measures with cost-saving initiatives to drive business value and enhance overall performance.

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